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About Mark Ward Property

After over 10 years of successfully selling properties in Brisbane South, the Mark Ward Property team established a community-minded business in the heart of Salisbury in December 2015.

The decision to start my own business after working with RE/MAX Colonial was a challenging one – as an Irish-migrant with an Australian wife and daughter, the Aussie culture of ‘giving it a go’ appealed to me.
Mark Ward Property is well-known for its pioneering levels of trust and integrity in the real estate industry. This ethical approach in our practises allows us to claim not just one of the most experienced sales team locally, but also one of the most professional. The success of our office is largely due to the peace of mind that our unique approach ensures to our vendors and buyers.


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  • We have just published our next Quarterly Newsletter which will be delivered around the suburb of Salisbury soon. The newsletter includes great information about house prices in the suburb, local events and attractions, competitions, a community notice boards, an discount offer from a local business......

  • We have just published our next Quarterly Newsletter for Salisbury which will be delivered around the suburb soon. The newsletter includes great information about house prices in the suburb, recent sales and rentals, local events and attractions, competitions, a community notice boards, discount offers from......

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